Monday, July 16, 2007

Get A Dream and Be Passionate

What Motivates Me to Succeed in Life?

I've had this innate knowledge, since a young age, that I have abilities and gifts that should be used. Sometimes I'll get down, sometimes I'm knocked down, but I always get back up again. When I was young it was mainly the desire to compete and succeed that drove me, but as a mother of 5 daughters, the eldest just 20, to be able to demonstrate by actions and love,to encourage them to dream and succeed is what motivates me now.

The eldest has just finished Uni, has secured a part- time job and is about to embark on the development of her own business, as a Fashion Designer. Oh, if I just had the courage to dream and dare at her age! I was in my mid thirties before I dared to start my own business, although I'd been dreaming along, long time.

Number 2 and 3 are in Uni and VCE and have yet to determine what they want to do with their lives, but are very gifted in different areas. Number 3 does entertain thoughts of being a jet pilot and I know she has the ability if she has the passion. Number 4 just entering Year 11 dreams of being a Horse Manager and Trainer, is already achieving in horse activities and competitions and is a real dreamer - her very dreams motivate her to do well at school. Number 5 is similar again, with her passion being music. I believe what contributes to their daring and dreaming is that I work full- time at home, and they see my demonstration of daring to try, of developing a work ethic, of being committed and to keep going.

If I were asked what was the one thing that would help you succeed in your career or business life, I would say 'get a dream and be passionate!' Because it is that very thing - the passionate dream that makes you strive, makes you want to keep on, even when your mind tells you to give up. If you have nothing in life to be passionate about, then start searching. Because you deserve to enjoy life, to love life, to be passionate and to succeed. And I can think of nothing better than working in an area where you are happy and look forward every day to doing that thing.


1 comment:

Prime said...

Passion: the root cause behind the ones able to fulfill their dreams. Keep up the good work!