Sunday, July 22, 2007


There is an Intelligence, far greater than the mind that belongs to the Heart. This Intelligence holds the answers to life's most pressing questions.

It's Within Every one of Us

This Infinite Intelligence is within you, right now. This Intelligence guides you in the direction of your dreams, your purpose and deepest meaning in your life. All you need to do is open yourself to this Intelligence by way of your Heart.

I wish to share a powerful true story with you from the wonderful writings of Alan Cohen:

"Monarch Butterflies, the large black, orange and yellow beings of nature, live and frolic in the warm weather. When the cold begins to set in these butterflies migrate where they join all other Monarch Butterflies in a journey to a particular marsh in the southwest.

The interesting fact about these butterflies is that they never make it to their destination in the southwest. Only their offspring do. You see, the parent butterflies die off shortly after giving birth and it is their offspring that make it to the haven in the southwest.

Somehow, without ever having made the journey before, the young butterflies make it to the exact destination their ancestors were headed for. All of these butterflies are guided to meet at a place they have never been before.

Guided to journey down a path they have never yet traveled. Yet they all make it!"

Yes, there is a magnificent wisdom that guides the entire Universe, everyone and everything is a part of this force. Just as the Monarch Butterfly is guided, so too are you.

Each one of us has a personal path...
We each have a journey - a personal purpose we are here to follow. This fulfillment of our personal purpose allows us to feel deep joy, passion and love within our Heart. For when we live our life's purpose, our Heart is full and Alive.

In the Present Moment we are Love...
When we live our personal purpose, our Heart experiences Love - in the present moments of living our personal purpose we experience the beautiful feeling of Love in the moment - where one needs nothing and has everything.

Imagine with me for a moment what your life would be like if you were living your personal purpose - right now. How would you feel?

Take a moment now and get in touch with the longing of your Heart... your personal purpose and grant yourself permission to do one thing today that supports your purpose.


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