Saturday, July 21, 2007

Can't vs. Won't vs. Will

C = Controlling
A = Attitude
N = Not
T = Thoughts

What does this mean? When we say we "CAN'T" we are controlling our ATTITUDE to believe that! What we say our subconcience WILL believe, whether it be positive or negative.

W = Wallow
O = Overcomes
N = Normal
T = Thoughts

When we say "WON'T" we make a conscience decision not to do something. We immeidately believe we "CAN'T" when we BELIEVE we "WON'T" succeed!

So, what happens when we say I "WILL"????????

W = Welcoming that
I = I am
L = Living and
L = Learning

When we say I "WILL" this immeidately puts positive thoughts in our mind. We might not have all the answers, but if we accept we WILL, then we accept we will TRY and LEARN and keep ing TRYING and keeping LIVING AND LEARNING.

Charlene Lopez-Ragsdale


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