Friday, August 3, 2007


Recently, we took some time out for a weekend of sailing – getting away from the work pressures and long hours we are currently logging, when my own experience reflected a simple universal truth… allow me to briefly explain this.

We decided to head for an isolated island that was not visible from our starting point. It was supposed to be a beautiful island with great beaches, stunning coral and swaying palm trees. We set our course and merrily sailed in near perfect conditions, Sarah Brightman playing in the back ground…

A few hours later we sighted the island on the horizon – a mere dot that disappeared as our yacht dropped in between the light ocean swells. All was going pretty smoothly until a buster wind came up. Clouds packed in from absolutely nowhere and soon rain blurred our vision. The swells and conditions soon became a true test of my seamanship!

On the odd occasion, I would have to stoop down into the saloon area to check our course, dry my lenses and adhere to nature's call. Each time this happened I would get back behind the helm, look forward and realize we had veered off course – the island was nowhere in sight. Corrections made, the dot on the horizon became visible again each time we crashed over the crest of the wave.

It was through persistence, determination and constant focus on where we were heading that made the dot become larger and larger every passing minute. I could feel more stress lifting as the island started to become more visible. Eventually we were close enough to actually define the green `blob' as palms trees and shrubs. The closer we got, the more excited we became – we could feel the energy of our destination becoming more real. Even the troubled sea was no longer such an obstacle and we hardly noticed the drop in the wind and rain… we saw the most beautiful beach clearer and clearer, until we entered the coral protected bay – everything seemed so perfect! Joyously we bounced of the yacht and headed for the beach… it seemed like paradise! I must say it was a really good feeling after strenuous sailing and concentration!

It was later that day, relaxed and soaking up some tropical sun when I likened our trip to the life of probably every human being!

How often do we set our personal goals in near perfect conditions, but as soon as hardships come our way we tend to either abandon the dream or lose focus of our original goal? Is it not true that in hard times in our lives we try to find the easiest way out (I could have turned around and never made the island)?

Sure, I could not always see the island… sometimes I only saw it for a few precious seconds, and although only a growing dot, I always knew it was there – and it was growing all the time!

It is human nature that we will sometimes lose sight of our personal goals and dreams, and yes sometimes we will lose direction, but it is within each one of us to stop for a few moments and re-focus. Taking the time to remind ourselves that no matter how hard it is, we will reach `paradise' provided we remain determined, focused and keep checking our life's course, will certainly get us there.

It is also so true, that when you reach your goal and soak in the great energy it brings you, the hardships in getting there seem so trivial – it is simply worth every bit!

I found that this was a reminder for me personally to focus on what the original intent is. It was a reminder to continually evaluate my course and take the appropriate action whenever I feel we are being bogged down by hardships and negativity.

Take the time in your life to do the same. Re-focus, revisit your dreams and goals, face your hardships with determination and success will remain only a question of `when' – no longer an `if'!!

Uncle Alan


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