Sunday, August 5, 2007

Rubber-Ball Theory of Career and Growth

Rubber-Ball Theory of Career and Growth

Growth in our career and even our personal growth is like a "rubber ball". Height of your growth is based on your hard work, like a maximum height that can be reached by a rubber ball is decided by the vigor with which you through the ball in the air. Once it reaches the maximum height, it will start its downward journey, like a bad time is our personal life. It will continue to fall, inch-by-inch, like our bad days, from worse to worst, until and unless it reaches the bottom and touches the ground and then only it will "bounce back".

Take the examples of Lance Armstrong (USA), Amitabh Bhachan (India) and Michael Jackson (USA), there was time in their life when each passing day was worse then death, but they bounced back. At the time of struggle and trail most of the time, we give-up, but we forget that good days or bad days and all days will pass away and we must continue to give our best, each time, every time, all the time.

What do you think about it? I am awaiting your inputs, your feedback.

Have a great day and take care.

Keep Smiling. Keep Growing.

Sanjeev Sharma


1 comment:

Rose said...

This reminds me of what Dr. Wayne Dyer said when he compared having bad times to the nature of storms. Basically he said that all storms pass - meaning that there is no storm (bad times) that will last forever.

Eventually the sun will come out and shine!