Saturday, September 1, 2007


In the great state of Texas, you can sometimes overhear a business-person refer to a colleague who is "stomping on ants".

This implies that person is displaying lots of activity...head down, jaw clenched, eyes firmly focused on the ground. There's a great deal of activity here, lots of accomplishment; there's "body count", but not much meat. There doesn't seem to be any significant results from all this activity. Now, if he could bag just one elephant.........

As I counsel with individuals who are looking for employment, many say that since they have been layed-off, they have been so busy doing things, that they hardly have time to look for job. What has happened to their time? They have allowed other actions and activities to crowd in and take over their day.

Have you been stomping on ants, or is your day filled with actions that are significant, meaningful, and worthy of your time. Will the actions and activity of today bring a worthwhile return, or are you busy doing a lot of things that bring little value.
Evaluate your daily activities an see if you are just stomping on ants or working on bagging an elephant. Yes the former is easier, less demanding having little pressure or stress, but what are the rewards? Very little. The latter is more difficult, more challenging, more stressful, but what are rewards? Much more than you can imagine. Picture in your own mind the excitement, satisfaction and gratification as you bag that elephant that for so long has been lurking in your mind. DO IT, GO FOR IT BAG THAT ELEPHANT!! Stop stomping on ants!

David Croston
Motivational Concepts and Training


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