Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What is Growth?

In order to experience growth more, you may want to be more understanding of what the word means. The words we use have many meanings. Many times we dont't take the time to delve deeper into those meanings.

As you look at and study each meaning, you may want to pick one that stands out more than the others. It may provide you with just the insight that will trigger you to move forward in a certain area of your life. All set?
Here we go:

To GROW means:
To Spring-Up, To develop to maturity, to be able to grow in a certain place or situation. To increase in size, to expand, to become, to increase in wisdom, to have an increasing influence, to become increasingly acceptable or attractive, progressive development, to grow toward or arrive at full stature mentally, physically, and socially.

Growth is the result of responding to change in a positive way.

David Croston
Motivational Concepts and Training


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