Monday, September 10, 2007

Time to Grow

Growth is the result of responding to change in a positive way.

Many of the things in which we face are not fun. We all go through hardships, trouble and calamity. This world is full of adversity and difficult situations.

We must look at each adversity as an opportunity for growth. You may have had a situation in your own life where you thought that it was all a big waste of time, and energy. You may be questioning why you ever had to go through what you did.

Well "for every adversity that you go through, there is always the seed of equal or greater benefit. A seed has to be crushed and broken in the ground before it can begin to grow.

If you have been crushed lately by someone or something, it's time to GROW. it's time to look for a way to respond positively to this situation. It may not be easy, but it must be done. Too many people spend too much time wallowing, and not moving on.

Hold your head high. Rise above the situation. A new day is dawning. Look forward to a better time. You have done your best. Forget the rest. This is growth. We stuggle, we learn, we overcome.

David Croston
Motivational Concepts and Training


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The benefits of growth pains are visible to all but those who insist on focusing on what is causing the pain miss the purpose of their trail. It's a common theme especailly in our society today. The signiture article on my page talks a little about getting over your obstacles and growing from them. Good post.