Sunday, August 12, 2007

Praise them when they are alive

5 Ways to Praise

Mark Twain said: "I can live for two months on a good compliment." All of us crave for positive affirmations in life, especially affirmations from those who matter. Praise has a strong power over our performance, effectiveness and happiness. We become what we are encouraged to become. People influence and inspire us by their words.

A person with high self-esteem and self-acceptance doesn't bother about the praises of others. He is contented and happy with the way he is and the opinions of others have very little impact on him. But for most of us a word of appreciation from our superiors and colleagues is a balm that can cure, inspire and encourage us to perform better.

However, we need to earn our applause through hard work. Praises will come if we are honest and hardworking. Don't wait for others to praise you and appreciate you but do your best and the praises and recognition will follow soon.

We are afraid of criticisms both just and unjust ones. We protest against unjust remarks but accept very gladly unearned applause. There are some of us who glow in the toil and labour of others. We do nothing to earn praises by ourselves but grab the praises from others.

We are the products of the praises and encouragements we received from our parents, teachers and relations. As we grow up, however, instead of freeing ourselves of this bondage of looking for praises, we begin to look for praises and appreciation whenever we do something good and we become less effective if we don't find praises on the way. We are so much addicted to praise that we do everything for praise.

Praises are important.

1. It makes us more innovative and creative
Praises can create an innovative, productive and friendly work atmosphere. When people are appreciated they become more positive and productive and they lead a happy life. Innovation and creativity will flourish only in the absence of fear. Praise assures the absence of fear. When people are praised for their effort and are appreciated for their sincere labour they become more innovative and creative.

2. It makes us more positive and self-confident
Both the one who gives praises and the one who receives praises become positive persons. It may be a word in the ear, a smile, an affirmative look that is all needed to give the employee that self- onfidence. It's never expensive but contributes greatly to our organisations. We become people of positive self-esteem and become excellent assets. Praise from others is the nourishment for our desire for self-esteem.

3. It improves our productivity
Praise is not a shallow blah blah; it has a purpose as to improve employee morale and productivity. Use your praises when people accomplish something; praise them even when they fail so that they do better in future. If you want that magic to happen in your company then the magic word to use is praise. Praise is priceless and it doesn't cost anything to your company. But if you don't use it then you may lose a treasure.

How to praise?

1. Praise generously
Be generous with your praises. Praise your employees and colleagues. They deserve it. But never be partial in praising only your friends; be consistent, impartial and fair in the use of praises. Praise your employees and their hard work. Praise them for their personal gifts to the organisation and praise them for their contributions.

2. Be credible and sincere in your praises
A phony praise will have an adverse effect and will de-motivate them. Praise undeserved is a satire in disguise. Respect the uniqueness of everyone. Recognize their contribution and individuality and praise sincerely. Also praising an employee too often lowers down its importance.

3. Praise in public
Praise in public but punish in private. This is very important. Any corrections should always be given in private. We can praise a person face to face, through a formal letter, an email, a phone call, by writing a note of appreciation or by saying a thank you etc. but the best way is to praise them in public.

4. Use praise as a motivator
Recognising a person's success and effort is one of the best motivators. Only a motivated person can make things happen. When we respect and recognize we tell them that they matter to us and are important in our organisation. This is the greatest motivator. A word of encouragement especially in the moment of failure is worth more than a whole volume of praise after a success.

5. Use praises fairly
Treat all fairly. No place for bullying and for discriminations of any sort while praising people. Greet people when you meet them. Say `thank you', `please', `sorry' etc. These may look simple behaviours but make significant difference in our lives and in the way we think and feel about our work. Praise a person who comes on time, who never gossips, who is never absent and who sees positive in everyone. Praise only those who deserve; remember he who praises everybody praises nobody.

According to William James, the great psychologist and philosopher, what every genuine person craves for most in life is praise. People are ready to sacrifice their lives for praise, honour and recognition.

Often we wait for people to die to praise them. Begin to praise them when they are alive.

Joshy Thomas



Gaurav Jain said...

thanks and added ur blog too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a positive message! I found this on Clipmarks and appreciated it so much I had to come straight here to tell you!

Here is what I said there:

When immune to the opinions of others [positive as well as negative] then freedom. Until then, yes. Praise people while they are alive and measure your criticism of others with the amount of business it is of yours; ie, Criticize only to the extent of criticism you want back in this world. Because that's what you *will* get back.

To *overcome* negative perceptions that have been thrust upon you without your consent, I advise to lavish genuine praise upon everyone you encounter. Passing along the negative criticism to others only garners more back into your direction.

A perfect example to remember that, as people, we do "not" fight fire with fire...but with water. [Leave fire-lines to the firemen. ]