Friday, July 13, 2007

Reach Out in Faith

Sometimes life is so full of uncertainty. We live each day with the idea that things will go as planned. We plan, and work, and toil, reaching for those things hat we hope will bring happiness, and fulfillment. Yet through it all, we don't really know what a day will bring. It's like walking through your home in the dark. You're pretty sure where things are in the house, but because you can't see them, you may have to reach out in order to avoid any unforeseen obstacles.

Faith is mentally reaching out and believing that even though the present may be dark and gloomy, the future will be better because you are visualizing where you will be, what you will be doing, and the specific path that you want to take. Unfortunately many will choose to dwell and take up residence on the dark side, which will be full of negativity, discouragement, and despair.

This week you have a choice. You can go through life with the the lights turned off, and the shades pulled down. This creates a situation where you dwell on the worst that can happen. Or you can open the shades, let the sunshine in, and believe that today is going to be a great day. Your circumstances may be the worst they have ever been, but today you choose to look at it all in a better way. Though your life is not what you want it to be today, in your mind you can believe that things will get better, and that nothing stays the same.

Take a step of faith this week. Reach out by believing in something that you otherwise have been negative about. Believe that relationship will work out. Believe that job will come through. Believe your health will improve. Believe that your future will be bright. Reach out in faith.


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