Tuesday, July 17, 2007


How To Become A Powerhouse Of Possibility

If we're ever going to achieve anything of significance in this lifetime we must have a purpose GREATER than ourselves. It is this PURPOSE that will thrust us out of the world of mediocrity and into the world of the winner and the achiever.

So how do we find our purpose? Good question.

There are probably a million answers to that question but let me share from my own experience. Maybe a bit of that will help you to discover your own personal strategy. ALL OF US ARE DIFFERENT BUT WE CAN AT LEAST LEARN CERTAIN PRINCIPLES FROM ANOTHER'S LIFE.

The first thing that I did was this: I decided that I was going to be proud of who I was and of what I could do. I also decided that I was a person who had great value. I didn't get concerned as to what others said or thought about me. I began to develop my own BELIEF in my own abilities. THIS WAS IMPORTANT.

Once that was firmly fixed in my mind, I began to identify my STRENGTHS. NOW WHAT ARE STRENGTHS? They're the things that come to you naturally. The things that you do with a natural flair. You actually enjoy doing them.

SO, THIS IS WHAT I DID....... I TOOK A PIECE OF BLANK PAPER AND DREW A LINE DOWN THE MIDDLE. On the left hand side I wrote my strengths (the things I'm naturally good at) and on the right hand side I wrote my weaknesses (the things I don't find easy to do). Once I had done that, I started to major on my strengths in everything I did, and as I could, I started to delegate my weaknesses to others who were more gifted in those areas. Let's face it! We can't do everything.

It took me nearly ten years to finally realize this and even today as I face new situations and challenges I constantly ask myself the question, 'What are my strengths?' I find that I am the most happiest when I am doing what I love doing (thinking and writing). For me, these things are easy to do and I get great joy out of it.

Because I've learn to ask this question constantly I now, AFTER MANY YEARS OF LEARNING, make my living out of my strengths.

At the same time I delegate my weaknesses. The result is this. I do what I love to do every day of my life. WORK TO ME HAS BECOME FUN BECAUSE I'M USING MY STRENGTHS.

So in a nutshell, here is one way that can help you to clearly DISCOVER your PURPOSE.




Follow up this simple written exercise by CONSISTENT ACTION. Watch how you will start to live with GREATER ENERGY and GREATER PURPOSE than you have ever done before.

Peter Sinclair


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