Monday, October 1, 2007

Live your Vision

Vision is being able to see clearly what you would like to achieve in the future.

Your vision must be practical, detailed, and stated in specific actions.

If you spend time developing your vision, it will give you a roadmap to follow.

Your vision will help you to discern the future.

It will keep you from straying to the left or right, keeping the focus on what is most important.

As you think about your vision, you will turn on the power of your imagination.

As you imagine the future and what it would be like, you will trigger an emotional reaction that creates excitement and enthusiasm.

With the power of your vision behind you, and the emotional excitement that you have created, you will begin to move forward. You will begin to take action on your vision.

Begin to live your vision!



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Whitearan said...

Thanks so much for my good news.